We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generousity as you pass on your unwanted itemes.
Appointments are necessary for making donations. Appointments can be made through our website. Each donation appointment is limited to 2 bags or boxes, 40 lbs. max. for fabric. You may need to schedule several donation appointments on subsequent days for larger amounts. Donations exceeding these limits may be turned away at the discretion of our staff.
If you are downsizing a studio or home or dealing with an estate, we may be able to make special arrangements to accommodate you. Click here for more information.
If you need to CANCEL a donation appointment: Please use the link in the confirmation email you received when the appointment was scheduled.
We will be closed for the holidays Dec. 24 - Jan. 1st. Reopening Wed. Jan. 2nd.
Schedule an Appointment to Donate Items
- All items must be clean and free of dirt, hair, mold, debris, smoke, musty smell. No items damaged by water.
- Please sort and organize.
- Materials must be checked by staff.
- Limit 2 boxes or bags per visit, 40 pound maximum for fabric.
- Limit of one donation appointment per day.
- contact us at Scrapitupcincy@gmail.com for special requests regarding estates or studio liquidations.

Artist Supplies
Crayons, pencils and markers, sketch pads, craft paint, watercolors, brushes, carving tools, stencils, pastels, chalk pastels, new clay, glue guns, canvases, easels, rubber stamps, ink and ink pads, printing supplies, mosaic tiles, adhesives, small amounts of ceramic tiles 6" or less, simple picture frames
Jewelry Supplies
Beads, jewelry and craft wire, jewelry making tools, findings, old costume jewelry
Paper Products
Cardboard Tubes (sturdy), art paper, sketch pads, cardstock, construction paper, vellum, tissue paper, greeting cards, and envelopes, postcards, poster board, scrapbooking paper, maps, matte board, foam core, playing cards, blank journals
Craft Supplies
Pipe cleaners, craft foam, feathers, glitter, marbles, game pieces, puzzle pieces, duct tape, masking tape, chalk, new silk flowers, wine corks, string, twine, sequins, fabric dyes, punches, postage stamps, stickers, craft glue, seashells
Clean Fabric and Notions
Fabric (40lbs or less, minimum 1 yard for upholstery & home dec fabric), Fiber Fill, batting, zippers, buttons, sewing supplies, sewing tools, Velcro, leather, burlap bags or remnants, patterns, ribbon, yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, acetate, safety pins, felt
Metal Objects
Bottle Caps (metal), gasket scraps, magnets, promotional magnets, keys, watches and watch parts, phone wires, wire mesh, metal coffee cans
Upcycled Objects
Produce bags, records, typewriter keys, x-rays, cigar boxes, baby food jars, cookie tins, picture frames, film canisters, film reels, Altoid containers
Office Supplies
Clipboards, rulers, scissors, file folders, staplers, staples, staple removers, hole punchers, tape dispensers, tape, envelopes, paper clips, labels, tags, organizers, colored transparencies, note pads
Small Wood Items
Clothes Pins, corks, spools and spindles, new popsicle sticks, craft sticks, dowels
Craft books, quilting magazines
- broken china
- carpet
- clothing
- computers and parts
- curtains
- egg cartons
- electronics
- food related crafts: cake/muffin decorating, candy making
- furniture
- Used greeting cards with writing inside
- home goods
- house paint
- wine and liquor bottles
- packing peanuts
- plastic food containers/take out containers
- sewing machines
- sheets
- shreds of fabric
- spray paint
- toys
- wallpaper
Other Resources for Donations